Mid Georgia
Software Associates, LLC
Support Our Troops

Future Flexible Acquisition Sustainment Tool

The original FAST contracts provide a multiple–award task–ordering capability for the procurement of technical and professional weapon system support services; critical, limited, and contingency repairs and spares; and modifications for Air Force–managed weapon systems, support systems, subsystems, and components.

This follow–on program combines AFMC's requirements to deliver contracts that provide AFMC Program Directors and Single Managers with an optional contracting tool that will effectively provide acquisition and sustainment support for all Air Force managed weapon systems and support systems, line replaceable units, shop replaceable units and components. This follow–on effort includes technical and professional weapon system sustainment support services, modifications (hardware & software) for the enhancement of reliability, serviceability, maintainability, and performance, integration, spares and repairs. Additionally, the program/contract(s) includes, improved/expanded form/fit/function development programs, procurement of previously owned aircraft and depot partnering opportunities.

MGSA is proud to support the following F2AST prime contractors.
For additional information regarding these prime contractors, please click on the respective logo below (some links may not yet be active).


Design and Engineering Support Program II

Through the DESP-II contract, MGSA provides design, engineering, and technical support services for all systems, programs, and processes managed by any DoD or other government agency or department. This contract is administered by the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah. MGSA is teamed with ARINC as the prime contractor for activities under the DESP-II contract.

For additional information regarding DESP-II and the ARINC team, please click on the DESP logo below.


SeaPort-e is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ), Multiple Award Contract (MAC). SeaPort-e will be used to procure support services for all phases of weapon systems acquisition and life-cycle support including research & development support, prototyping, acquisition logistics, modeling, test & evaluation trials and engineering support for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Strategic Systems Programs and the Marine Corps.
For additional information regarding SeaPort-E, please click on the SeaPort logo below.

SSSC-II Option I
Special Operations Forces Support Services Contract II

SSSC II Option I was exercised extending the SSSC-II contract through 2012. This acquisition is to procure engineering, software, logistics and program management support services required by the Special Operations Forces (SOF) System Program Office (SPO). It encompasses both advisory and assistance (A&AS) and non-A&AS. These support services are for, but not limited to the following weapon systems and subsystems: AC-130H, AC-130U, MC-130E, MC-130H, MC-130P, C-141B/C-17 SOLL, MH-53J, MH-53M, HH-60G, CH-3E, HH-3E, UH-1N, CV-22, and associated technical orders, aircraft systems subsystems, avionics and support equipment.